Develop Water Catchment

Creating sustainable water sources to support sunflower agriculture for local farmers and enhance elephant-human coexistence

Maji ni Uhai (Water is LIfe)

The "Develop Water Catchment Area" project of the Elephant Sunflower Initiative is a crucial endeavor that aims to create a sustainable water source on Mt Kasigau, just above Kiteghe Village in Kenya. This rock water catchment will serve as a lifeline for the local community, providing essential water reserves for sunflower agriculture and human consumption. By securing a reliable water supply, we not only empower smallholder farmers with the means to cultivate sunflowers, a lucrative alternative to food crops prone to elephant raids, but also foster a harmonious coexistence between humans and elephants.

With your generous support, we can ensure a brighter future for both the community and the majestic wildlife of Kasigau, forging a path towards sustainable development and conservation in the region.



  • The project holds immense potential for positive impact and transformative benefits. By establishing a rock water catchment on Mt Kasigau, just above Kiteghe Village in Kenya, we secure a reliable water source that ensures year-round access to water for the local community. This development empowers smallholder farmers, enabling them to engage in sunflower agriculture, a lucrative and sustainable alternative to food crops susceptible to elephant raids. The increased economic opportunities for farmers uplift their livelihoods and contribute to poverty alleviation. Additionally, the project fosters environmental resilience by reducing reliance on rainfall-dependent water sources, thereby enhancing food security for the entire region.

  • At the heart of this water project is active community engagement. We work in close collaboration with local community members, involving them in every step of the project. The initiative is community-led, instilling a sense of ownership and empowerment among farmers and villagers. Through knowledge-sharing and capacity-building initiatives, we equip community members with the skills to maintain and sustain the water catchment. Moreover, engaging the community in decision-making processes ensures the long-term viability of the project, leading to a profound impact on the lives of the people in Kiteghe Village and the surrounding areas.

  • The project plays a vital role in elephant conservation efforts. By providing a secure water source for the local community, we reduce the likelihood of human-elephant conflicts arising from elephants venturing into farmlands in search of water. This promotes harmonious coexistence between humans and wildlife, protecting both the community's livelihoods and the majestic elephants that inhabit the region. The conservation of these magnificent creatures is crucial for maintaining the ecological balance and preserving the rich biodiversity of Kasigau.

  • The project is firmly rooted in the principles of sustainable development. By establishing a rock water catchment, we promote responsible resource management and environmental stewardship. The project's focus on sunflower agriculture creates economic opportunities while preserving natural habitats and biodiversity. Sustainable practices ensure that the water catchment remains viable for generations to come, fostering long-term prosperity for the community and the environment.

  • We invite donors and organizations to partner with RIDE International on this impactful project. Your support is instrumental in bringing lasting change to the lives of smallholder farmers and the conservation of wildlife in Kasigau. Collaboration opportunities include funding support for the construction and maintenance of the water catchment, knowledge exchange to enhance community capacity, and engaging in capacity-building initiatives that further strengthen the project's impact. Together, we can make a significant difference and create a sustainable future for this ecologically important region.

  • Your generous contributions play a vital role in making this project a reality. Donations directly fund the construction of the rock water catchment, the purchase of essential materials, and ongoing maintenance to ensure its sustainability. Additionally, funding will support community engagement programs, knowledge-sharing workshops, and capacity-building initiatives that empower local communities. By investing in this project, you actively contribute to fostering sustainable development, conserving wildlife, and improving the lives of the people in Kasigau. Your support serves as a beacon of hope, guiding us towards a future of prosperity and harmony between humans and nature.

Elephant & Sunflower Projects

  • Promote sunflower agriculture

    Encouraging smallholder farmers to adopt sunflower cultivation as a sustainable alternative to food crops vulnerable to elephant raids. By providing training, resources, and access to quality seeds, we aim to foster coexistence, economic growth, and wildlife protection.

  • Develop water catchment area

    By constructing and maintaining efficient water collection structures, the project aims to ensure consistent water supply for sunflower farming, support local agriculture, and mitigate human-elephant conflicts, fostering sustainable community development.

  • Support local Elephant Guardians

    Empowering the brave Kasigau Elephant Guardians at Gae Rock on their mission to foster peaceful coexistence between humans and elephants. Volunteers tirelessly protect elephants from fear and hostility perpetuated by human-elephant conflicts.