Promote Sunflower Farming

Encouraging smallholder farmers to plant sunflower as a lucrative alternative to food crops that are typically raided by elephants

One Farmer at a Time

The Sunflower Farming project aims to empower smallholder farmers in Kasigau, Kenya, by promoting sunflower cultivation as a lucrative and sustainable alternative to food crops that are often raided by elephants. Through the Elephant & Sunflower initiative, we envision a harmonious coexistence between humans and elephants, benefiting both communities and wildlife.

Our team is educating farmers on the benefits of sunflower farming, providing training on best agricultural practices, and facilitating access to quality seeds and resources. We seek to create a thriving sunflower farming community that not only safeguards their crops from elephant raids but also enhances their economic prospects and contributes to local prosperity.



  • The "Promote Sunflower Agriculture" project in Kasigau, Kenya, has a profound positive impact on both smallholder farmers and local communities. By encouraging sunflower cultivation, we provide farmers with a lucrative and sustainable alternative to food crops that are typically raided by elephants, ensuring their crops are protected and livelihoods secured. This leads to increased income and economic stability for farmers, reducing poverty and improving living standards. Additionally, sunflowers contribute to food security and improved nutrition for communities, as they are a valuable source of oil and protein-rich seeds. The project's success also fosters a sense of pride and self-sufficiency within the community, empowering them to take an active role in managing their resources and future.

  • Our "Promote Sunflower Agriculture" project is firmly rooted in community engagement. It is designed as a community-led initiative, where local farmers actively participate in the decision-making process and implementation. Through workshops, training sessions, and regular community meetings, we ensure that farmers' voices are heard and their knowledge and experiences are valued. This active involvement instills a sense of ownership and empowerment among the farmers, leading to the long-term sustainability of the project. By working closely with the community, we create a collaborative and supportive network, where knowledge is shared, challenges are addressed collectively, and successes are celebrated together.

  • Promoting sunflower agriculture plays a critical role in elephant conservation efforts in Kasigau. By offering a viable alternative to food crops, we help reduce human-elephant conflicts that often arise when elephants raid farms in search of food. This leads to a harmonious coexistence between humans and wildlife, protecting both elephant populations and the livelihoods of local communities. As farmers cultivate sunflowers, they create a natural deterrent for elephants, redirecting them away from farmlands and towards designated wildlife corridors. This conservation-oriented approach fosters mutual respect and understanding, safeguarding the biodiversity and ecological balance of the region.

  • The "Promote Sunflower Agriculture" project aligns seamlessly with our sustainable development goals. By advocating for sunflower farming, we enhance environmental resilience by promoting climate-smart agricultural practices. Sunflowers require less water than traditional crops, making them suitable for regions facing water scarcity. Additionally, sunflower fields serve as valuable habitats for pollinators and other wildlife, promoting biodiversity and ecological balance. The increased production of sunflower oil and seeds contributes to local economic growth and creates market opportunities for smallholder farmers, enhancing their financial stability and driving sustainable development in the region.

  • We invite potential donors and organizations to join us in making a significant impact through the "Promote Sunflower Agriculture" project. Partnerships with RIDE International offer various collaboration opportunities to support this transformative initiative. Donors can provide funding support to expand the project's reach and impact, while organizations can engage in knowledge exchange and capacity-building initiatives to enhance the project's effectiveness. Together, we can empower smallholder farmers, promote wildlife conservation, and create lasting positive change for communities in Kasigau. Join us in building sustainable solutions and making a tangible difference in the lives of farmers and the conservation of wildlife in this unique region of Kenya.

  • Our primary funding areas encompass various critical aspects of the project's implementation and long-term impact. Firstly, we seek financial support to provide training and capacity-building programs for local farmers, empowering them with the knowledge and skills needed to cultivate sunflowers effectively. Secondly, we aim to secure funding for the establishment of sunflower processing facilities and market linkages, enabling farmers to access competitive markets and maximize their earnings. Additionally, funding dedicated to community outreach and awareness campaigns plays a pivotal role in fostering community engagement and participation. Lastly, we strive to allocate funds towards research and monitoring initiatives, which allow us to continually assess the project's impact and adapt strategies for sustainable growth. v

Elephant & Sunflower Projects

  • Promote sunflower agriculture

    Encouraging smallholder farmers to adopt sunflower cultivation as a sustainable alternative to food crops vulnerable to elephant raids. By providing training, resources, and access to quality seeds, we aim to foster coexistence, economic growth, and wildlife protection.

  • Develop water catchment area

    By constructing and maintaining efficient water collection structures, the project aims to ensure consistent water supply for sunflower farming, support local agriculture, and mitigate human-elephant conflicts, fostering sustainable community development.

  • Support local Elephant Guardians

    Empowering the brave Kasigau Elephant Guardians at Gae Rock on their mission to foster peaceful coexistence between humans and elephants. Volunteers tirelessly protect elephants from fear and hostility perpetuated by human-elephant conflicts.

Elephant & Sunflower Initiative

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