Kasigau Elephant Guardians

Supporting passionate community volunteers to protect elephants and foster harmonious coexistence with local residents

Volunteers on the Frontlines

Nestled amidst the awe-inspiring landscapes of Gae Rock near the eastern boundary of Tsavo West National Park, the Kasigau Elephant Guardians stand as a testament to the valiant efforts of a community-led mission. These unsung heroes, armed with torches, compassion, and profound knowledge of elephant behavior, tirelessly patrol the farms and water basins of Kiteghe and Rukanga villages in Kasigau, Kenya. Their unwavering dedication to promoting harmonious human-elephant coexistence is evident in their relentless efforts to protect elephants from fear, hate, and vitriol perpetuated by negative attitudes arising from perpetual human-elephant conflicts.

As the guardians gently and harmlessly redirect migrating elephants away from farmlands, they create vital space for these majestic creatures to thrive, fostering a profound sense of understanding and respect between humans and wildlife. The project, driven by community ownership, is a beacon of hope for the conservation of elephants and the preservation of precious ecosystems, inspiring awe and admiration in the hearts of those touched by their remarkable endeavors.



  • The "Kasigau Elephant Guardians" project brings about a profound impact on both wildlife and local communities. By safeguarding elephants from human-elephant conflicts and redirecting them to alternative food and water sources, the initiative fosters harmonious coexistence, preventing retaliatory actions against elephants. This approach not only protects these majestic creatures but also promotes a positive attitude towards wildlife among community members. The guardians' efforts help preserve the ecological balance and biodiversity in the region, safeguarding the natural heritage for future generations.

  • At the heart of the "Kasigau Elephant Guardians" project lies active community engagement. These brave volunteers are local residents, deeply connected to the land and its wildlife. The initiative is community-led, empowering farmers to take ownership of their natural resources and actively participate in the protection of elephants. By involving local communities in decision-making and implementing strategies, the project fosters a sense of pride and responsibility, ensuring its sustainability over the long term.

  • The "Kasigau Elephant Guardians" project plays a pivotal role in elephant conservation efforts. As guardians of Gae Rock, a critical elephant migratory corridor, they act as the first line of defense, protecting elephants from fear and hate-driven actions. By understanding elephant behavior and using compassionate techniques, they gently redirect these majestic animals away from areas where conflicts might arise, ensuring the safety of both elephants and humans.

  • The "Kasigau Elephant Guardians" project aligns harmoniously with principles of sustainable development. By fostering human-wildlife coexistence and reducing human-elephant conflicts, the initiative contributes to environmental resilience and stability in the region. Additionally, the project empowers local communities with alternative livelihoods, such as promoting sunflower agriculture, thereby enhancing economic growth and improving the overall quality of life.

  • The success of the "Kasigau Elephant Guardians" project is greatly enhanced by collaboration with like-minded partners. Organizations, donors, and wildlife enthusiasts can join hands with RIDE International to support the guardians in their crucial mission. Partnership opportunities include funding support, knowledge exchange, capacity-building initiatives, and resources to equip the guardians for their fieldwork. Together, we can create a lasting impact and ensure the sustainable future of elephants and their habitats.

  • To further the "Kasigau Elephant Guardians" project's impact, funding is required for essential resources and support. Donations can directly fund appropriate field gear and equipment for each volunteer guardian, including torches, clothing, and field supplies, totaling at least $125 per guardian. Additionally, a monthly supplementary support of $20 per guardian or $340 for the whole team is vital to sustain their efforts. With generous contributions, we can continue empowering these unsung heroes to protect elephants and foster a positive attitude towards wildlife, creating a brighter future for both elephants and local communities.

Elephant & Sunflower Projects

  • Promote sunflower agriculture

    Encouraging smallholder farmers to adopt sunflower cultivation as a sustainable alternative to food crops vulnerable to elephant raids. By providing training, resources, and access to quality seeds, we aim to foster coexistence, economic growth, and wildlife protection.

  • Develop water catchment area

    By constructing and maintaining efficient water collection structures, the project aims to ensure consistent water supply for sunflower farming, support local agriculture, and mitigate human-elephant conflicts, fostering sustainable community development.

  • Support local Elephant Guardians

    Empowering the brave Kasigau Elephant Guardians at Gae Rock on their mission to foster peaceful coexistence between humans and elephants. Volunteers tirelessly protect elephants from fear and hostility perpetuated by human-elephant conflicts.