Support Women Seaweed Farmers

Empowering coastal women through sustainable seaweed farming for a thriving marine ecosystem

Farming their Independence

In coastal villages of South Coast, Kenya, the Women Seaweed Farmers project is a transformative initiative empowering local women to cultivate and harvest seaweed sustainably. By providing training, resources, and market access, this project uplifts women seaweed farmers, strengthening their economic resilience while nurturing marine ecosystems.

As guardians of the ocean, these dedicated women foster environmental conservation while generating income, creating a ripple effect of positive change within their community. Embracing a future of economic prosperity and environmental stewardship, these seaweed farmers emerge as role models, fostering a thriving coastal landscape that benefits both people and planet.



  • The Women Seaweed Farmers project fosters empowerment among coastal women in Kenya, offering them an opportunity to actively participate in sustainable seaweed farming. By providing training, resources, and market access, this initiative creates a positive socio-economic impact. Women gain financial independence, improved livelihoods, and increased decision-making power within their communities. Additionally, the seaweed cultivation contributes to environmental conservation, as seaweed acts as a natural habitat for marine species and helps combat climate change through carbon sequestration.

  • This community-led project engages local women as key participants in every aspect of seaweed farming. By involving them in the planning, implementation, and decision-making processes, the initiative enhances their sense of ownership and pride in the project. Regular community meetings, workshops, and skill-sharing sessions further promote solidarity and foster a supportive network among the women farmers. The project's success is deeply rooted in the active engagement and collaboration of the entire coastal community.

  • Supporting women seaweed farmers aligns with coastal conservation efforts by promoting sustainable practices. Seaweed farming is a form of aquaculture that requires no deforestation or harmful fishing practices, protecting the delicate coastal ecosystem. Furthermore, seaweed beds serve as nursery areas for marine species, contributing to biodiversity conservation. By encouraging women to be stewards of the marine environment, this project fosters a harmonious coexistence between coastal communities and their natural surroundings.

  • The Support Women Seaweed Farmers project drives sustainable development by generating income opportunities that are both environmentally friendly and economically viable. By diversifying income streams and reducing dependence on traditional fishing and agriculture, women farmers contribute to the long-term economic resilience of their communities. This shift towards sustainable practices ensures that future generations can continue to benefit from the abundant resources of the coastal region.

  • The initiative offers promising partnership opportunities for organizations, businesses, and donors committed to promoting gender equality, environmental conservation, and sustainable livelihoods. Collaborations can include funding support, capacity-building initiatives, and market linkages for the seaweed products. By partnering with RIDE International on this impactful project, stakeholders can make a tangible difference in the lives of coastal women and the preservation of marine ecosystems.

  • Donor support is essential to provide the necessary resources for training, materials, and equipment required for successful seaweed farming. Funding areas include scholarships for women to attend training programs, provision of seaweed seedlings, establishment of seaweed farming facilities, and support for seaweed processing and marketing. By investing in this project, donors contribute to the economic empowerment of women and the conservation of the unique coastal environment.

Coastal Conservation Projects

  • Reforest mangrove woodlands

    This project aims to restore and protect mangrove ecosystems along the Kenyan coastline. Through community-led efforts, we plant and nurture mangrove saplings, promoting biodiversity, mitigating climate change, and providing essential habitat for marine life and coastal communities.

  • Support women seaweed farmers

    We empower women in coastal communities by providing training, resources, and market access for sustainable seaweed farming. By cultivating this valuable marine resource, we promote economic independence, gender equality, and environmentally friendly practices, creating a win-win for communities and the environment.

  • Expand scope of sea turtle police

    The Tiwi Sea Turtle Police force plays a crucial role in protecting endangered sea turtles and their nesting sites. With community involvement, we expand the scope of our patrols and conservation efforts, ensuring the survival of these magnificent creatures and preserving the marine ecosystem for future generations.