Financial Aid

Studying abroad doesn’t have to be a financial burden for you. RIDE works to make studying abroad more affordable, because we understand the value that the experience provides our students.


There are a number of other sources of financial aid for students going on study abroad. We’ve listed some below, but talk with your study abroad advisor — many schools offer special scholarships and aid for study abroad, and your study abroad office will be able to help you with the most up to date information.

Your Home Education Institution – Many schools allow students to apply part or all of their financial aid package towards studying at RIDE. Check with your study abroad office advisor for more details.

  • Gilman Scholarships – based both on current financial aid as well as where you are studying

  • Boren Awards for International Study – provides funding for students in areas important to U.S. interests. Given by the National Security Education Program, recipients go on to work with the U.S. federal government

  • NAFSA has a list of study abroad scholarships available to a variety of populations through their Study Abroad Scholarships and Grants List.


At RIDE, scholarships are awarded to individuals that show the potential to excel in RIDE’s programs, but may not be able to attend without financial assistance. Scholarships are awarded every semester, and qualified individuals receive $500-2,000 per semester. Although there is no application deadline for scholarships, funds are limited and are awarded on a first come, first served basis.

Additionally, RIDE’s “comprehensive fee” system allows you to apply existing financial aid to tuition and cost-of-living in East Africa. (See more details at Tuition & Fees.)

Additionally, some schools have formal partnerships with RIDE. If so, you may be able to pay through your home institution, depending on their study abroad/tuition policy. Please check with your study abroad office to find out if this is the case at your school.

Studying abroad at RIDE can be a reality for you. Let us know how we can help! Email us at .